Friday, February 22, 2008

The Catheter Adventures: A Children’s Story

It had been one of those days for Charlie, the catheter. He woke up, being unsheathed nice and clean, then suddenly shoved into his morning darkness. As time seemed to trickle by, Charlie could do nothing but realize how he was used every day, and how wrong that was. Charlie had friends in the past that were used and discarded, that lived a normal lifecycle. But Charlie rued every evening where he was thrown into a pan and subjected to the stink and sting of toxic chemicals. He knew he had to make a change. One night during one of those thorough sanitizations Charlie held his breath. A fluid built up in Charlie that was familiar but it had never crossed his hairpin mind that this same fluid would change his life. The next morning Charlie found himself being used just like any other day. However he had plans to make this day different. Once in his place of morning darkness Charlie exhaled. There was a scream! “Something in me peed up me!” and then shouting between two parties followed. A jostle moved Charlie out of place and again another scream sent a crack up Charlie’s spine. Then out of nowhere a huge punch came to the side of the Wang and shattered Charlie into several hundred pieces…

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