Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Living the Lie

A salesman walks into an office building out of the pouring rain. He shakes his umbrella and hangs up his jacket in a coat room filled with coats dripping wet. As he heads to the elevator there is a huge rumble. The building sways as flashes of light flood through the front doors and skylights in the lobby. Immediately glass shatters everywhere, from the ceiling lights and front doors to glass achievement awards and mounted TVs crash to the ground. Fierce winds rush through the building as the pressure changes. The flashes continue to illuminate the sky; this time around thunderous roars quickly follow shaking the building. The salesman wreathing from the sound covers his ears and runs into the coat closet for protection. The stairwell door, across from the lobby entrance cracks open. Fearful eyes peruse the damage before stepping foot into the ground floor chaos. The door is flung open, and a horde of people rush out into the open lobby. The salesman sees the people start to emerge. "Watch out! glass!" He struggles to shout fighting the wind sheer. No one can hear him. The thunderous noise grows louder as the flashes begin to subtly subside. A gathering of people in the lobby look for places to take cover and see what is going on outside. All of a sudden the building begins to tilt. "Everyone Outside!" somebody shouts. The gathering continues to grow as more people pour from the stairwell. The floor becomes noticeably tilted, and everyone began to slide. The building suddenly drops. The collapse took seconds for the 18 story building to fall through the parking structure below. Out front hundreds of people are lucky to have their lives, while the salesman…

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