Monday, February 25, 2008


(Tune-in channel 23232323.00) There will be a gusty north diagonal ion storm this morning bringing with it a cloud of negatively charged particles. You know what that means!… particle suits! Everyones got to wear their particle suits today
“Ahhh mom! I don’t want to wear my particle suit today. look out side, the galaxy-weather meteorologist is always wrong.”

WWWW, or boxW , is a self contained artificial intelligence radio station. It was created by the first intelligent civilization who inhabited our Milkyway galaxy. Radio astronomers found WWWW broadcasting frequency in the dark ages of astronomy. But it took some time for anyone to find the infentesibly small changes in the frequency to discover the greatest find in human history. Deciphering the broadcast is the most difficult of challenges. The task for finding the cipher has been sent to think tanks all over the world. While very little is understood of the broadcasts, we do know that we cannot pinpoint it. The signal appears to emanate from everywhere. It also seems to be something of an entity, feeding off of the gases of the galaxy arms.

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